TodayTix lottery offers an exciting and affordable way to secure tickets to some of the hottest shows in New York, London and Australia! Use the Lottery & Rush filter in the TodayTix app to find out which shows are running Lotteries in your desired city.
Once a lottery has opened for entry, users enter for specific performances of the show. Each user can only enter the lottery once per performance.
After the lottery entry period has closed, winners are randomly selected by computerized algorithms. Winners are notified through the TodayTix app and email, and are given 30 minutes to claim their discounted tickets.
Daily Lotteries
Shows running daily lotteries, give the chance to enter for a same day performance. Entries will open, winners will be drawn and tickets will be claimed, all on the same day as the performance.
You can only enter for one performance at a time in Daily Lotteries. This includes days where the show has a matinee and evening performance. If you wish to enter for both performances, you will need to do the process twice during the relevant Lottery times.
Weekly Lotteries
Shows running Weekly Lotteries, give the chance to enter to win tickets in multiple performances at once and often have a much longer entry period than Daily Lotteries. You will be entering to win tickets for a performance the following week. You can opt to enter for as many or as few of the applicable performances as you like.