Email Confirmation

What information is included in my email confirmation?

We immediately send an email confirmation to the address you provided at the checkout page with all of your order information and a receipt of your purchase.

Will my e-tickets be in my email confirmation?

Most shows sold on TodayTix have a delayed e-ticket delivery in an effort to prevent dishonest reselling. Your email confirmation will detail when your e-tickets are due to be sent if they have delayed dispatch, or it will include your e-tickets if there’s no delay.

How do I resend my email confirmation? 

  1. Log in to your TodayTix account.
  2. Navigate to the "My Orders" section.
  3. Find the specific order for which you want to resend the confirmation email.
  4. Click on the order to view its details.
  5. Look for the option to resend the confirmation email and click on it.
  6. Please ensure that the email address you assigned to your order is correct and accessible.

I haven’t received my email confirmation. Where is it?

Email filtering systems may sometimes redirect emails to Spam or Trash folders. If you haven’t received your email confirmation, please check these folders. If you still can’t locate it, follow the instructions above to resend your confirmation.

I made a typo in my email address. How can I update it?

Head to your Upcoming Orders in the TodayTix app. Click I don’t have my confirmation email where you’ll be given the option to update the email address on your order and resend the confirmation
I’ve tried all of the above but I’m still not receiving the confirmation. What do I do?
Get in touch with our Customer Experience team who can help to determine what’s going wrong and ensure you get your email confirmation.

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